Bloody Hell...I don't know how many inches this is, but it's a lot of snow. I'm pretty sure that sounded dirty without me meaning for it to. Since it was such a terrifying event, I felt I should fix the pictures to make it look a little scarier than it maybe was. The truly scary thing will be driving to the gym this morning.

I will admit, it does look kind of pretty at this time...although once the Rig Pigs start driving their muddy trucks around in it, and once all the stray dogs start urinating it in, it's going to be disgusting and I'll hate it really lots.
That being said, keeping in the tradition of me being the Crazy Cat Lady, I threw the kitties onto the deck so that I could take a picture of their paw prints for you. You're welcome : )

A little update for you all...
Denele and I went to the gym this morning and she slid right through an intersection...and on the way home some suckerfish drove his car right into a ditch. Snow is evil.
It is pretty....
...pretty disturbing. It's still October!
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