So, I wake up this morning and I find it a little chilly in my condo. I get up to start the day the Carmen Electra way and I realize that I can't actually feel my toes or fingers. This is strange, seeing as usually when I wake up my body is warm and feeling pretty good after a hard night's sleep. Today on the other hand, was completely different. It was like Saturday morning, when I woke up and froze my nuts off.
Once again, I call the Condo Association asking for someone to come and fix my heat. Unlike Saturday though, no one showed up within the hour. I called at 7 this morning, and it is now almost 1 pm and there is still no one here to turn on my heat. I'm soooooooooooo cold...the kittens are freezing (and insist on sleeping on my neck whenever I lie down). Hopefully this guy shows up soon, because I'm worried that the pipes will burst if they freeze all the way through. (And no, that is not in reference to my female pipes, which are working just fine thankyouvermuch) Oh yeah, and the thermostat has decided to stop registering the temperature. I'm assuming it's doing this to prevent me from getting depressed about the lack of heat...or maybe it just doesn't go this low. I'm wearing 2 t-shirts, a long sleeved t-shirt, a hoodie and a big thick knitted sweater right now. I'm tempted to throw on a toque, a scarf, another pair of socks (over my 2 pairs and slippers that I'm currently wearing) and some long johns. Some mittens would be good as well, although I realize it's difficult to type in mittens.
Ok, time to crawl back under the covers to preserve what's left of the body heat.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I'm going to be completely honest with you...
I think I might be a wee bit lonely.
So Tuesday was the big day...thank you to everyone who remembered. Bite my ass to those of you who didn't. I celebrated by drinking a little, eating some cake, and opening some gifts. Oh yeah, and I cooked myself dinner, and ate it by myself. Depressing...yes. Delicious...of course.
I'm 24 now...time for me to get my shit together? I think not. Today is Sunday, and so I did the usual Sunday things...went shopping with Nicole, ate some lunch, came home, had a nap. Then after my nap I got up, went to the store, came home, baked a cake and dyed my hair. I didn't realize that I was actually lonely until a few moments ago when I took the cake out of the oven. I noticed how excellent my house smelled, how great my hair was going to look, how cute my kittens were...and the fact that I sleep alone every night. I have no one to share the cake with, no one to show my hair to, and no one to make my kittens attack. Woe is me.
Now, back to normal Janelle. I can't possibly be lonely for more than an hour. Let's face it, guys eat more than girls, so if I had a guy here, he would eat more than half of the cake all by himself. Also, I don't feel comfortable doing Carmen Electra's Aeorbic Strip Tease in front of anyone, and I like to do it first thing in the morning, and when I get home from work. Another thing, I only have one bathroom. And I like to take my sweet ass time getting ready for work in the morning.
So I guess what I'm looking for is someone to come over, have one piece of cake, say they like my hair, make out for a little bit, and then leave. Yeah. That sounds about right. Maybe he can stay over one or two nights a week...if I feel up to sharing my bed. But he'd better not snore...because I need my rest.
Jaded? Yes.
So Tuesday was the big day...thank you to everyone who remembered. Bite my ass to those of you who didn't. I celebrated by drinking a little, eating some cake, and opening some gifts. Oh yeah, and I cooked myself dinner, and ate it by myself. Depressing...yes. Delicious...of course.
I'm 24 now...time for me to get my shit together? I think not. Today is Sunday, and so I did the usual Sunday things...went shopping with Nicole, ate some lunch, came home, had a nap. Then after my nap I got up, went to the store, came home, baked a cake and dyed my hair. I didn't realize that I was actually lonely until a few moments ago when I took the cake out of the oven. I noticed how excellent my house smelled, how great my hair was going to look, how cute my kittens were...and the fact that I sleep alone every night. I have no one to share the cake with, no one to show my hair to, and no one to make my kittens attack. Woe is me.
Now, back to normal Janelle. I can't possibly be lonely for more than an hour. Let's face it, guys eat more than girls, so if I had a guy here, he would eat more than half of the cake all by himself. Also, I don't feel comfortable doing Carmen Electra's Aeorbic Strip Tease in front of anyone, and I like to do it first thing in the morning, and when I get home from work. Another thing, I only have one bathroom. And I like to take my sweet ass time getting ready for work in the morning.
So I guess what I'm looking for is someone to come over, have one piece of cake, say they like my hair, make out for a little bit, and then leave. Yeah. That sounds about right. Maybe he can stay over one or two nights a week...if I feel up to sharing my bed. But he'd better not snore...because I need my rest.
Jaded? Yes.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Birthday Woes.

So, 4 sleeps until I hit the ripe old age of 24...I'm excited because I won't have to be 23 anymore. Let's just face it, 23 is an extemely awkward age. At least it was for me. But then again, so were the 22 years before that. I'm just such an awkward person. It's awesome.
Anyways, I'm feeling a wee bit down about the whole Birthday situation this year, simply because for the first time since I can remember, I'm not having a party of any sort. Grande Prairie hasn't exactly been fruitful in the friends department, and it seems unfair to force work associates and family members to hang out with me more than necessary. On Tuesday the family is gonna get together up at Grandma's for some cake, and I appreciate that to no end. But this is my birthday weekend...and so far, these are the plans:
Tonight (Friday): Force Nicole to go to the Lion's Den with me where I will drink until I can't feel feelings, come home, be sick for awhile, sleep until tomorrow.
Tomorrow (Saturday): Try to find someone else with whom to repeat Friday's chain of events. Alternative Plan: Sit at home watching shitty movies, drinking alone.
Now don't get me wrong, hanging out with Nicole is one of my favorite pastimes. We always manage to piss at least 2 people off, and that's always fun. I'm positive that she'll ensure I'm drunk enough and not let me stop drinking until at least 45 minutes after the bar closes. So tonight will be enjoyable. It's just so strange to me...I've never had a lack of friends before. My dance card has been full, and I've always had at least one big party to celebrate my vaginal birth. Heck, when I was in Japan, I had FIVE birthday I guess I'll just have to re-use one of those one's to make up for this year.
Well, I'm feeling as though it might be time to start with the drinking. I have a bottle of wine that's been calling my name all week, and some feelings that obviously need to be drowned in said bottle.
Thursday, November 16, 2006 it right for Janelle?
Today ladies and gentlemen, I have a little treat for you. I am about to write a blog for you unlike any I have ever written before. I am going to inhale a few vapors from a little BC bud and see what comes out of my mind. As you may or may not be aware, I don't usually partake in such activities as the smoking of the weed, but since my cousin so kindly gave me a bit, I feel as though it would be good for me to use it in the name of scientific blogging. So sit back, relax and give me a few moments to collect my thoughts.
*Crappy intermission music playing here*
Ok, I'm back. For some reason, I really enjoy the smell of that stuff. But I don't enjoy the way it makes my lungs feel like they are going to collapse. It's not a very enjoyable feeling. Hmm...basically, I am finding that my body feels a bit weighted down and everything has a nice little haze to it. Hahahaha although the cat just fell in the toilet. And that's funny! Ok, so back to the experiment. I am not really supposed to smoke this stuff because I tend to get overly paranoid. I think people are out to get me and I cry. It's terrible. But this doesn't feel the same.
Hmm...I'm thinking this probably wasn't the smartest idea I've ever had. I'm kinda bored. I'd like to give the cats a bath but I think it would upset them. If I drank wine right now, would I be more or less high? If the answer is LESS than I think I should try it. If the answer is MORE then I think wine would be a bad idea. Although, wine does sound good right about now. My kittens love me. Gizmo is cuddling with me as we speak. Although I guess we aren't speaking, seeing as I'm typing. And you will read. So I guess what I meant to say was, Gizmo is cuddling with me as we type/read, but since she's not cuddling with me anymore let's just forget about it.
If I wrote a novel, would you folks read it? Would you recommend it to your friends? Would you read it to your children? Your brother's children? Would you read it to Jeff while he was in the shower? *that was directed at Ross, just incase you were confused.*
Aah, I miss Jeff...I hope he's ok. He's probably scared and alone. Hahahaha I just pictured Jeff crying and it made me laugh. Oh that was mean of me. Sorry Jeff. I don't think you need to cry. I hope you are eating perogies for breakfast lunch and dinner. Lucky bastard. I wish I could eat a perogie.
I painted my kitchen last weekend. It's bright's called Jamaican Sea. It's a bit too bright and it really clashes with the carpet. I like it. I have a pair of underwear the exact same color. Mr. Tanaka says "hello" to everyone. He's upset because his body is wet...but maybe if he'd stay out of the god damned bathroom these things wouldn't happen.
I watched Jarhead and Prozac Nation this weekend. I must admit, Jarhead could have used a bit more "Emotion". *please forgive me for mentioning the word. I mean, when his girlfriend dumped him it barely registered. I wanted to see men crying in the tents. I wanted to see sobbing and male bonding. *gags* It was alright, but I only give it a 6/10.
Prozac nation on the other hand was pretty good. She was just such a bitch!! Ms.Ricci played the role of a Bi-polar excellently. I do wish she had been more promiscuous during her manic stage...just to add a bit more oomph into my life (which is completely without any oomph...except self) at this time. Please forget I wrote that.
Hahaha oomph. What a stupid word. Last night I watched 200 Cigarettes. I'll give it about a 6 out of ten. It lost a few points just for having Ben Afflek in it. He's a serious DoucheBag. Also, my grandma could have put on a better punk front than that orange haired freak. I hate clowns! But once again, Christina Ricci was in it, and I have to admit that I like her...I like her because she eats.
My fingers are a bit cold...I should probably go. I'll probably delete this later on...or maybe I'll laugh about it and let it be a lesson learned. All I hope is that one person reads it, and it changes their life forever. Say "NO" to drugs kids!!
*Crappy intermission music playing here*
Ok, I'm back. For some reason, I really enjoy the smell of that stuff. But I don't enjoy the way it makes my lungs feel like they are going to collapse. It's not a very enjoyable feeling. Hmm...basically, I am finding that my body feels a bit weighted down and everything has a nice little haze to it. Hahahaha although the cat just fell in the toilet. And that's funny! Ok, so back to the experiment. I am not really supposed to smoke this stuff because I tend to get overly paranoid. I think people are out to get me and I cry. It's terrible. But this doesn't feel the same.
Hmm...I'm thinking this probably wasn't the smartest idea I've ever had. I'm kinda bored. I'd like to give the cats a bath but I think it would upset them. If I drank wine right now, would I be more or less high? If the answer is LESS than I think I should try it. If the answer is MORE then I think wine would be a bad idea. Although, wine does sound good right about now. My kittens love me. Gizmo is cuddling with me as we speak. Although I guess we aren't speaking, seeing as I'm typing. And you will read. So I guess what I meant to say was, Gizmo is cuddling with me as we type/read, but since she's not cuddling with me anymore let's just forget about it.
If I wrote a novel, would you folks read it? Would you recommend it to your friends? Would you read it to your children? Your brother's children? Would you read it to Jeff while he was in the shower? *that was directed at Ross, just incase you were confused.*
Aah, I miss Jeff...I hope he's ok. He's probably scared and alone. Hahahaha I just pictured Jeff crying and it made me laugh. Oh that was mean of me. Sorry Jeff. I don't think you need to cry. I hope you are eating perogies for breakfast lunch and dinner. Lucky bastard. I wish I could eat a perogie.
I painted my kitchen last weekend. It's bright's called Jamaican Sea. It's a bit too bright and it really clashes with the carpet. I like it. I have a pair of underwear the exact same color. Mr. Tanaka says "hello" to everyone. He's upset because his body is wet...but maybe if he'd stay out of the god damned bathroom these things wouldn't happen.
I watched Jarhead and Prozac Nation this weekend. I must admit, Jarhead could have used a bit more "Emotion". *please forgive me for mentioning the word. I mean, when his girlfriend dumped him it barely registered. I wanted to see men crying in the tents. I wanted to see sobbing and male bonding. *gags* It was alright, but I only give it a 6/10.
Prozac nation on the other hand was pretty good. She was just such a bitch!! Ms.Ricci played the role of a Bi-polar excellently. I do wish she had been more promiscuous during her manic stage...just to add a bit more oomph into my life (which is completely without any oomph...except self) at this time. Please forget I wrote that.
Hahaha oomph. What a stupid word. Last night I watched 200 Cigarettes. I'll give it about a 6 out of ten. It lost a few points just for having Ben Afflek in it. He's a serious DoucheBag. Also, my grandma could have put on a better punk front than that orange haired freak. I hate clowns! But once again, Christina Ricci was in it, and I have to admit that I like her...I like her because she eats.
My fingers are a bit cold...I should probably go. I'll probably delete this later on...or maybe I'll laugh about it and let it be a lesson learned. All I hope is that one person reads it, and it changes their life forever. Say "NO" to drugs kids!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Saturday, November 04, 2006
November 4th...Part 1

After that, This happened:
That's Pam feeding me the cork from the wine, which she lovingly dipped in the olive oil prior to giving it to me to eat. Since dinner was so much fun, we thought "Hey, why doesn't everyone just stay at my house and we'll go out and have a jolly good time!" Pam tried to warn me that some of the guys were kinda "rowdy and really big" but I said I didn't care. Boy was I wrong.
I will continue with Part 2 of this post later on...for now I must get ready to go out for Japanese food with Nicole and Chris and I'm going to enjoy every moment of it.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
I'm not really a big fan of stress.
Well, today's posting is not really very uplifting, so if you're not in the mood to read a bit of ranting, you'd might as well move along. Otherwise, be prepared to listen to a bit of complaining.
So, as some of you know, I've been quite sick, off and on since Thanksgiving. This stupid flu just won't seem to bugger off, and quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of it. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. Maybe it's mono...which I probably got from all those hot boys I've been kissing lately...uhh...ok, so I haven't been kissing maybe I got it from something else. We can be sure that it's not a bun in the oven...because obviously, I'm a virgin. *cough cough*
Anyways, yesterday I felt like ass on a stick, so I decided I would work from home instead of go to our Wednesday group. I was puking, and I didn't think it would be good for the clients to be exposed to my repulsiveness. Anyways, I did some paperwork and looked up some new ideas for groups and I did actually do some work. I figured it was almost the same thing. Boy, was I wrong.
This morning, I went and had breakfast with my old guys (which was fantabulous, thanks) and when I left, I had a voice message from one of the Therapists. She said I had to call her immediately, but since my work phone is a giant piece of crap with no reception, I decided I'd just go up to the office to talk with her. So, I go up there, and of course she's the first person I see and she's angry that I didn't call her back. I explained the phone situation for the umpteenth time, but still, she was mad. We went into her office, and she starts lecturing me on the importance of being "responsible". I'm almost in tears...because I'm a baby. I try to explain my reasoning behind not calling in sick, but it's no use. I fucked up. Then she starts talking about how one of my clients (who is a royal pain in the ass at the best of times) has been told she needs to pay money for something that was apparently already paid for (before I even started working with her, of course) and now it's up to me to deal with her this afternoon. Joy.
I left her office feeling like a little kid who had upset their teacher and I honestly wanted to vomit. Instead of crying about it, I went and found my boss and explained the situation to him and he said it wasn't that big of a deal, but he'd hold me to the promise that it wouldn't happen again. Still, I felt like I was going to cry and be sick. Damn my Catholic upbringing and the intense guilt feelings it has left me with!!!
After all of my apologizing and nausea, the therapist who originally gave me shit called me back into her office. I thought to myself "OH BLOODY HELL...what have I done now?". As it turned out, she actually just wanted to tell me that one of my clients had come in for a session with her on Tuesday and said that he was extremely happy to be working with me. Then she said how good it was for him that I was always on time and very "responsible". I felt like asking how I could be responsible and not responsible all in the same morning, but I figured I'd better not start any crap.
So, I'm back in the office, checking the messages and there's one on there from one of my other clients asking me to call her as soon as humanly possible. I called her right then, and she went into a 30 minute rant about how her rent was going up and she was so upset that I had to hold back my tears and promise to help her in any way I could. Sadly, there really isn't much I can do for her as there is no housing in Grande Prairie, but I said I would meet with her for coffee tomorrow so that she can vent a little bit. After we hung up, I did start crying a little, and I went to talk with her therapist. She said that I had to get the client to find her own housing...won't that be a lovely thing to explain over coffee!!!?!?!
Anyways, I've come home to bitch to all of you (well, maybe 2 or 3 of you who read this) and play with the furballs for a bit to try and get myself back to a normal state before I go pick up the most annoying client in history. Good news is, after I drop her off, I get to play pool with a bunch of our most messed up guys...but they are good natured and fun to be around. I wish I could be good natured and fun to be around.
So, as some of you know, I've been quite sick, off and on since Thanksgiving. This stupid flu just won't seem to bugger off, and quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of it. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. Maybe it's mono...which I probably got from all those hot boys I've been kissing lately...uhh...ok, so I haven't been kissing maybe I got it from something else. We can be sure that it's not a bun in the oven...because obviously, I'm a virgin. *cough cough*
Anyways, yesterday I felt like ass on a stick, so I decided I would work from home instead of go to our Wednesday group. I was puking, and I didn't think it would be good for the clients to be exposed to my repulsiveness. Anyways, I did some paperwork and looked up some new ideas for groups and I did actually do some work. I figured it was almost the same thing. Boy, was I wrong.
This morning, I went and had breakfast with my old guys (which was fantabulous, thanks) and when I left, I had a voice message from one of the Therapists. She said I had to call her immediately, but since my work phone is a giant piece of crap with no reception, I decided I'd just go up to the office to talk with her. So, I go up there, and of course she's the first person I see and she's angry that I didn't call her back. I explained the phone situation for the umpteenth time, but still, she was mad. We went into her office, and she starts lecturing me on the importance of being "responsible". I'm almost in tears...because I'm a baby. I try to explain my reasoning behind not calling in sick, but it's no use. I fucked up. Then she starts talking about how one of my clients (who is a royal pain in the ass at the best of times) has been told she needs to pay money for something that was apparently already paid for (before I even started working with her, of course) and now it's up to me to deal with her this afternoon. Joy.
I left her office feeling like a little kid who had upset their teacher and I honestly wanted to vomit. Instead of crying about it, I went and found my boss and explained the situation to him and he said it wasn't that big of a deal, but he'd hold me to the promise that it wouldn't happen again. Still, I felt like I was going to cry and be sick. Damn my Catholic upbringing and the intense guilt feelings it has left me with!!!
After all of my apologizing and nausea, the therapist who originally gave me shit called me back into her office. I thought to myself "OH BLOODY HELL...what have I done now?". As it turned out, she actually just wanted to tell me that one of my clients had come in for a session with her on Tuesday and said that he was extremely happy to be working with me. Then she said how good it was for him that I was always on time and very "responsible". I felt like asking how I could be responsible and not responsible all in the same morning, but I figured I'd better not start any crap.
So, I'm back in the office, checking the messages and there's one on there from one of my other clients asking me to call her as soon as humanly possible. I called her right then, and she went into a 30 minute rant about how her rent was going up and she was so upset that I had to hold back my tears and promise to help her in any way I could. Sadly, there really isn't much I can do for her as there is no housing in Grande Prairie, but I said I would meet with her for coffee tomorrow so that she can vent a little bit. After we hung up, I did start crying a little, and I went to talk with her therapist. She said that I had to get the client to find her own housing...won't that be a lovely thing to explain over coffee!!!?!?!
Anyways, I've come home to bitch to all of you (well, maybe 2 or 3 of you who read this) and play with the furballs for a bit to try and get myself back to a normal state before I go pick up the most annoying client in history. Good news is, after I drop her off, I get to play pool with a bunch of our most messed up guys...but they are good natured and fun to be around. I wish I could be good natured and fun to be around.
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