So, 4 sleeps until I hit the ripe old age of 24...I'm excited because I won't have to be 23 anymore. Let's just face it, 23 is an extemely awkward age. At least it was for me. But then again, so were the 22 years before that. I'm just such an awkward person. It's awesome.
Anyways, I'm feeling a wee bit down about the whole Birthday situation this year, simply because for the first time since I can remember, I'm not having a party of any sort. Grande Prairie hasn't exactly been fruitful in the friends department, and it seems unfair to force work associates and family members to hang out with me more than necessary. On Tuesday the family is gonna get together up at Grandma's for some cake, and I appreciate that to no end. But this is my birthday weekend...and so far, these are the plans:
Tonight (Friday): Force Nicole to go to the Lion's Den with me where I will drink until I can't feel feelings, come home, be sick for awhile, sleep until tomorrow.
Tomorrow (Saturday): Try to find someone else with whom to repeat Friday's chain of events. Alternative Plan: Sit at home watching shitty movies, drinking alone.
Now don't get me wrong, hanging out with Nicole is one of my favorite pastimes. We always manage to piss at least 2 people off, and that's always fun. I'm positive that she'll ensure I'm drunk enough and not let me stop drinking until at least 45 minutes after the bar closes. So tonight will be enjoyable. It's just so strange to me...I've never had a lack of friends before. My dance card has been full, and I've always had at least one big party to celebrate my vaginal birth. Heck, when I was in Japan, I had FIVE birthday parties...so I guess I'll just have to re-use one of those one's to make up for this year.
Well, I'm feeling as though it might be time to start with the drinking. I have a bottle of wine that's been calling my name all week, and some feelings that obviously need to be drowned in said bottle.
Cheer up sweetie, we are most of us billy no mates at some point in our lives.
My work colleagues just don't get me at all!!!!! My family thin on the ground.
Enjoy the bottle...
I'm cheered! And sick like a dog...hangovers shouldn't be allowed to last for 24 hours.
And I shouldn't be allowed to use a phone after drinking either...
Man, I had the mother of all hangovers yesterday, caused by too many shots of tequila chased with pinnaple skewers and cinnnamon. I think Tequila hangover is actually a bit worse than a wine one.
Feel better now though.
Happy Birthday when it comes. I notice my house didn't get a drunk phonecall this time around. Probably for the best, though, because my nights are quite busy with all the crying in the shower about everyone leaving me.
I dont have your number anymore Ross...that's why I didn't call and tell how much I love your accent. I miss Jeff so much...I'll cry with you.
You call that an excuse? I expected you to be staggering the streets of New West shouting my name, or at least phoning random numbers until you get me, but nooo...
I need protien! Can anyone get me protien?
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