Today I woke up at 5 am...I did my Carmen Electra Strip Aerobics twice...I went to work and climbed the 6 flights of stairs up to my office. I filled out paperwork. I went to our meeting and volunteered to help out with the answering of the phones on the 15th. I was tired most of the day because of my early morning and lack of sleep the night before. I hung out with a few clients. I got a phone call that there was a message for me.
A client said she had an "emergency" and needed to see a doctor right away. I picked her up and we went to the Emergency room. This was at 3:30 this afternoon. It is now 11:38 pm. We spent almost 8 hours in that god forsaken place...and do you know what the end result was? The BIG "emergency" was that she had gotten her period. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
Now I'm all wired because I've been awake for so long...and because I'm overtired. I have developed a nervous twitch. The only good part is that I am claiming 7 hours of overtime for this bullshit. That's 7 hours of doubletime...motherfuckers.
I just took 3 gravol...hopefully the knock me out until at least 7 am. If I wake up at 5 again I'm gonna lose it...lose myself in the music the moment I want it I'll never ever let it go. Yeah. Janelle'n'M. That's me. I have a meeting with the above mentioned client's therapist tomorrow morning at 8:30. I'm gonna tell her all about the shenanigans of the evening, and demand a medal for sticking around the entire time and NOT spazzing at the end. Then I have to pick up my client at 11:45 tomorrow morning to take her up to the office. Hopefully I can find it in myself to speak to her or look her in the eye. Without poking her eye out with a chopstick, of course.
Yay!! More bitching from me! I promise, one of these days it will be a happy-go-lucky blog. Unless of course I get my period and need to go to the fucking emergency room. WHO DOES THAT!?!?!!?

This kid knows where it's at! I fucking love coloring too.
Oh dear you went Beta...how is it?
Your client sounds like a spaz...but since you are an outreach worker she may actually be a spaz and for that I am sorry i called her a spaz.
Three gravol? I take one and I'm out like a light. I took a pack from my mum when I was in Mexico so I'm fully stocked. Whoooo-hooo!
I didn't think I had a choice with the Beta thing...it just said "click this box to continue" and I didn't feel like arguing.
It was annoying as hell yesterday.
My client is a spaz...but it's all a part of her disease so I need to learn to accept it. Ugh.
Last night I finally slept!! 9 blissfull hours! (of course, it took a bunch of muscle relaxants - which I had to take because I had a little fall yesterday and threw my back out) hopefully today is a good day. I need a good day!
Every day is a good day when you get to colour. I fuckin love it.
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