Thursday, November 16, 2006 it right for Janelle?

Today ladies and gentlemen, I have a little treat for you. I am about to write a blog for you unlike any I have ever written before. I am going to inhale a few vapors from a little BC bud and see what comes out of my mind. As you may or may not be aware, I don't usually partake in such activities as the smoking of the weed, but since my cousin so kindly gave me a bit, I feel as though it would be good for me to use it in the name of scientific blogging. So sit back, relax and give me a few moments to collect my thoughts.

*Crappy intermission music playing here*

Ok, I'm back. For some reason, I really enjoy the smell of that stuff. But I don't enjoy the way it makes my lungs feel like they are going to collapse. It's not a very enjoyable feeling. Hmm...basically, I am finding that my body feels a bit weighted down and everything has a nice little haze to it. Hahahaha although the cat just fell in the toilet. And that's funny! Ok, so back to the experiment. I am not really supposed to smoke this stuff because I tend to get overly paranoid. I think people are out to get me and I cry. It's terrible. But this doesn't feel the same.

Hmm...I'm thinking this probably wasn't the smartest idea I've ever had. I'm kinda bored. I'd like to give the cats a bath but I think it would upset them. If I drank wine right now, would I be more or less high? If the answer is LESS than I think I should try it. If the answer is MORE then I think wine would be a bad idea. Although, wine does sound good right about now. My kittens love me. Gizmo is cuddling with me as we speak. Although I guess we aren't speaking, seeing as I'm typing. And you will read. So I guess what I meant to say was, Gizmo is cuddling with me as we type/read, but since she's not cuddling with me anymore let's just forget about it.

If I wrote a novel, would you folks read it? Would you recommend it to your friends? Would you read it to your children? Your brother's children? Would you read it to Jeff while he was in the shower? *that was directed at Ross, just incase you were confused.*

Aah, I miss Jeff...I hope he's ok. He's probably scared and alone. Hahahaha I just pictured Jeff crying and it made me laugh. Oh that was mean of me. Sorry Jeff. I don't think you need to cry. I hope you are eating perogies for breakfast lunch and dinner. Lucky bastard. I wish I could eat a perogie.

I painted my kitchen last weekend. It's bright's called Jamaican Sea. It's a bit too bright and it really clashes with the carpet. I like it. I have a pair of underwear the exact same color. Mr. Tanaka says "hello" to everyone. He's upset because his body is wet...but maybe if he'd stay out of the god damned bathroom these things wouldn't happen.

I watched Jarhead and Prozac Nation this weekend. I must admit, Jarhead could have used a bit more "Emotion". *please forgive me for mentioning the word. I mean, when his girlfriend dumped him it barely registered. I wanted to see men crying in the tents. I wanted to see sobbing and male bonding. *gags* It was alright, but I only give it a 6/10.
Prozac nation on the other hand was pretty good. She was just such a bitch!! Ms.Ricci played the role of a Bi-polar excellently. I do wish she had been more promiscuous during her manic stage...just to add a bit more oomph into my life (which is completely without any oomph...except self) at this time. Please forget I wrote that.

Hahaha oomph. What a stupid word. Last night I watched 200 Cigarettes. I'll give it about a 6 out of ten. It lost a few points just for having Ben Afflek in it. He's a serious DoucheBag. Also, my grandma could have put on a better punk front than that orange haired freak. I hate clowns! But once again, Christina Ricci was in it, and I have to admit that I like her...I like her because she eats.

My fingers are a bit cold...I should probably go. I'll probably delete this later on...or maybe I'll laugh about it and let it be a lesson learned. All I hope is that one person reads it, and it changes their life forever. Say "NO" to drugs kids!!


Paula J Atkinson said...

Experiments like that never work on me either!!!

Janellerific said...

Yeah, after reading over that post I realize WHY I don't bother with things such as this. I will admit though, it did give me quite the "healthy" appetite. I attacked a jar of peanut butter, a jar of jam, and a package of crackers like it was nobodys business. I called them names like "delicious" and "not filling enough". Oh man...there goes my calorie consumption for the weekend.

Wanderlusting said...

No word from Jeff? I have a feeling he's now in the Ukraninian Mafia, selling his kidneys for them on the blackmarket. Or maybe he's selling his heart and/or soul. They're pretty black.

Janellerific said...

Aww...I'm so worried about my little Jeff. He's such a tiny guy...always getting lost. I'm sure he's just found a brothel somewhere.

How is your trip going there little lady?