Sunday, November 26, 2006

I'm going to be completely honest with you...

I think I might be a wee bit lonely.

So Tuesday was the big day...thank you to everyone who remembered. Bite my ass to those of you who didn't. I celebrated by drinking a little, eating some cake, and opening some gifts. Oh yeah, and I cooked myself dinner, and ate it by myself. Depressing...yes. Delicious...of course.

I'm 24 now...time for me to get my shit together? I think not. Today is Sunday, and so I did the usual Sunday things...went shopping with Nicole, ate some lunch, came home, had a nap. Then after my nap I got up, went to the store, came home, baked a cake and dyed my hair. I didn't realize that I was actually lonely until a few moments ago when I took the cake out of the oven. I noticed how excellent my house smelled, how great my hair was going to look, how cute my kittens were...and the fact that I sleep alone every night. I have no one to share the cake with, no one to show my hair to, and no one to make my kittens attack. Woe is me.

Now, back to normal Janelle. I can't possibly be lonely for more than an hour. Let's face it, guys eat more than girls, so if I had a guy here, he would eat more than half of the cake all by himself. Also, I don't feel comfortable doing Carmen Electra's Aeorbic Strip Tease in front of anyone, and I like to do it first thing in the morning, and when I get home from work. Another thing, I only have one bathroom. And I like to take my sweet ass time getting ready for work in the morning.

So I guess what I'm looking for is someone to come over, have one piece of cake, say they like my hair, make out for a little bit, and then leave. Yeah. That sounds about right. Maybe he can stay over one or two nights a week...if I feel up to sharing my bed. But he'd better not snore...because I need my rest.

Jaded? Yes.


jeff and ross said...

You could date someone in prison and arrange conjugal visits at your house. And the best part is that he'd get strip-searched on the way out, so there's no chance he could steal any cake.

Wanderlusting said...

Ignore Ross. I think you have it down.

Although the fact that you are fucking a con might make the bedroom more exciting...

OK, maybe Ross does have the right idea most of the time. Sigh.

Janellerific said...

Hahaha you said "fucking a con" and it made me giggle.

I think I might try that. I went out with a boy last night, and while it wasn't really a date, it felt like a lame date. Good thing the movie was kick ass (Tenacious D rules) or I might have cried when I came home.