Hellooooooooo Everybody! (you 3 know who you are)So, Jeff's been all up in my face about my lack of blogging lately. I would feel kinda bad, if I wasn't so bloody busy with the new place. I have been in here for almost 2 weeks now, and it's just fantabulous!! On Friday the 13th, I added 2 new members to my family. Their names are Mr. Tanaka and Gizmo. 
Mr.Tanaka is the orange one (Jeff, you may notice that he looks an awful lot like Jimi...the cat I let you chase around my yard back in the day). He has 5 toes on one foot and 6 on the other. When I get him to pose nicely I'll take a picture for you...looks like he has mittens! Gizmo is the Ewok looking thing lying on her back. I absolutely adore them...even though they are quite difficult to manage at times. I apparently am not capable of getting a pet that isn't inbred.
So, the house...so small, so outdated, but so wonderful!! I spent all last weekend painting the kitchen cupboards. The job was difficult, but well worth it. They now look modern and brighten up the entire place.

Here are a couple more pictures...one of my super-hot pink bathroom ( I adore the hawaiian print shower curtain and giant pink towels *thanks mom*). The other picture is of the stairs up to my loft. 
I'm going to paint the rest of the kitchen bright blue, change the flooring, and paint the rest of the place a light grey. Then, I'm going to paint the back wall of the loft some bright color, and eventually I'll change the carpet because I'm not exactly fond of it. Oh yeah, and all the brown doors you see will be painted the same color as the cupboards...that's my weekend job!
Anyways, I just wanted to let everyone know that I was still alive and also show off my photo posting to blog skills. *apparently I was forgetting to click the DONE button afterwards*.
I'll be sure to update more often now...I'm sure you can hardly contain your excitement!!