Monday, December 04, 2006

Panic Attacks are FUN!

Hello my faithful readers!!

Today is December the's a Monday. Mondays are always exciting, but todays is exceptionally horrid. I have been suffering from either heart attacks or panic attacks. I prefer to think they are panic attacks, because I would like to think I'm not unhealthy enough or old enough for heart attacks just yet.

Life is quite stressful (again) at this time. Tomorrow is the last time of my temporary extension at boss told me it would be continued on, but how long can I do this for? I want to be a permanent employee...I don't want to have to stress right out every month! Right now it's extremely stressful because Christmas is coming, I had to get the heat fixed twice, and I'm completely broke. I am just hoping I'll have enough money to get home for Christmas. I need a financial planner. And to win the lottery. That would be awesome.

I think I'll actually have to get another part time job on top of my regular job...I don't really want to, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Maybe I'll make some new friends if I get another one. I think friends would be good right now...lots and lots of friends.

Anyways, I gotta get back to work. There is an open house at the AISH office today...AISH is income support for those who are unable to work due to a handicapp. I get to go meet everyone who works there...apparently that would be good for my job.

Thanks for letting me bitch.

1 comment:

Janellerific said...

Haha ass mittens. I don't feel sorry for you...if you had the night I just had, you'd understand true horror.

Sometimes I love my job...tonight was NOT one of those times.