Thursday, October 26, 2006


Because I am a geek with very little social life at the moment, I thought I would share some more kitten pictures...Mr. Tanaka posed very nicely for me for awhile (in between perching on my shoulder sessions) and I thought you'd all like to see his giant mitten paws!! *even if you don't REALLY want to see them, at least pretend like it's exciting*. I probably need to get out more, but why would I want to when I have chubby kittens at home?!?!?!

I don't even care...the inbred paws are adorable!!! And the fact that they'll fall asleep on their back is pretty swell too!! I have turned into the Crazy Cat lady...


Wanderlusting said...

Oh my god, they are so cute I want to cry and vomit at the same time.

Can't handle it! If they were mine they would be dead by now as I have a tendency to squeeze too cute things to death (just ask Ross).

Those paws are, it's like he has mittens for hands.

Mitten Kitten. What a lucky cat.

Janellerific said...

hahaha I don't think they feel so lucky today...I got them both harnesses and leashes so I can take them for walks. Uhh...I'm in denile. They hate the moment they are both lying on the floor trying to get them off.

I try not to sqeeze them if I can help's getting harder all the time though, cause the chubbier they get the more I want to cuddle.